Behind the Ascend Curtain

Prior to founding Ascend Admissions, I oversaw marketing, recruitment, and enrollment for Seattle University’s Leadership Executive MBA program, consistently ranked among the Top 20 EMBA programs in the country, and as high as #11 in the nation by US News & World Report.

The best part of my job was working with applicants so when I left Seattle U, I set about creating something that would let me do all the fun stuff and leave the analytics reporting to someone else.

I delight in the success of others which makes this coaching gig really gratifying.

I also thought I might have some wisdom to share because I’ve been in your shoes. I have an MBA myself and have spent my career in roles requiring one version or another of sales, marketing, and writing (a.k.a. “storytelling” which, if you haven’t noticed, is super trendy on LinkedIn right now), most recently in Executive Education. I’ve felt the angst of applying to business school, had the pressure of carrying a big quota and meeting tight deadlines, and know a thing or two about crafting and presenting a compelling proposal. Best of all, I’ve been on the other side of where you are now—evaluating Executive MBA applications—so I know what’s gonna fly.

You can find out more about my background on LinkedIn but here are the details you won’t find on my resume:

I’m passionate, which manifests most prominently as enthusiasm. I get excited about the possibilities.

I'm curious, especially about people, and have an uncanny “gift” for remembering things about them they wish I didn’t.

I see the humor in things which takes the sting out of bad news and setbacks.

I’m practical. I drive an old Subaru, possess an exquisitely-tuned BS radar system, and have a very low threshold for drama.

I’m such a grammar and punctuation geek I named my dog “Oxford Comma” (no joke) but call him Ox so I don’t embarrass him in public.

I’m detail-oriented and maybe a bit of a perfectionist. I will straighten a crooked wall hanging every. single. time.

Now that you know a bit more about me…

Let’s get down to business.